Monday, October 13, 2008

blocks are being placed around me!

Inspiration can be tough. A common theme here is the question, Where the hell do I start? Do I begin by thinking about what a person needs in a particular house? Do I just sketch shapes and geometric forms and hope something neat pops out? Do I use an existing style and change it?

My recent stuff has been largely crap. But in that crap, a few peanuts have emerged. And peanuts are delicious sources of nutrients. So, I produce the following sentence meekly from the safety of my shell: I'm kinda liking this house I did tonight.

So on the topic of inspiration, where did this triangle house come from? When I first started, I asked what's important to me in a house? And the answer was, a view (which wasn't really an answer). But it worked. The entire design came from imagining that I was sitting outside the ground level sliding door.

I'm not sure if that's a weird way to do it. It seems awful weird to me. The house secondarily provides shelter to the resident who is primarily concerned about sitting outside and looking out. Seems backward. It's like placing a mouse on your rug and putting blocks around him. Twisted! Anyway, hope you enjoy these.

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